Empower your project

Capture Every Detail, Every Modification, Every Deviation

In the precision-driven realm of construction, as-built drawings are essential tools, meticulously capturing a project's final state with detailed documentation of deviations, modifications, and adaptations during construction.

BIMS boasts a decade of excellence in as-built drafting, catering to a diverse clientele—from general contractors to homeowners. Our adept team, armed with cutting-edge software, goes beyond replicating blueprints, creating dynamic representations that vividly capture a project's evolution.

From Blueprint to Reality

Capturing the Evolving Landscape

Creating precise as-built drawings demands expertise in construction, architecture, and advanced software. Our team follows a meticulous workflow, ensuring accuracy and completeness in every drawing.

  1. Site Reconnaissance and Data Gathering: Our engineers conduct a thorough site visit to gather all relevant data, including measurements, photographs, and any existing documentation.
  2. Point Cloud Processing and Modeling: Advanced laser scanning technology captures a detailed point cloud, forming a precise digital representation of the actual structure.
  3. 3D Modeling and Drafting: Utilizing industry-standard software, such as Revit and AutoCAD, our team creates a comprehensive 3D model, generating accurate 2D drawings reflecting the as-built structure.
  4. Markup Integration and Revision: Actively engaging with clients, we integrate red markups to ensure the final drawings accurately depict the project's real conditions.
  5. Quality Assurance and Review: Our team conducts a rigorous multi-stage quality assurance process to verify the accuracy, completeness, and adherence to industry standards of each as-built drawing.
  6. Delivery and Support: We deliver the final as-built drawings in various formats, including PDF, DWG, and Revit, accompanied by comprehensive documentation and support services.

Harnessing the Power of As-Built Drawings for Informed Decision-Making

As-built drawings serve as invaluable assets for a multitude of purposes, empowering project stakeholders to make informed decisions throughout the project lifecycle:

Verify Construction Adherence: Cross-referencing as-built drawings with blueprints ensures construction aligns with approved designs, guaranteeing structural integrity.

Efficient Maintenance Guide: As-built drawings offer a clear overview, facilitating streamlined maintenance and renovations for existing structures.

Optimize Asset Management: Accurate and current as-built drawings support effective asset management, aiding property assessments, insurance claims, and future planning.

Dispute Resolution Support: In disputes, as-built drawings serve as indisputable documentation, assisting in fair and equitable resolutions.

As-Built BIMs: The Cornerstone of Informed Decisions

Harnessing the Power of As-Built Drawings for Informed Decision-Making

As-built drawings serve as invaluable assets for a multitude of purposes, empowering project stakeholders to make informed decisions throughout the project lifecycle:

Verify Construction Adherence: Cross-referencing as-built drawings with blueprints ensures construction aligns with approved designs, guaranteeing structural integrity.

Efficient Maintenance Guide: As-built drawings offer a clear overview, facilitating streamlined maintenance and renovations for existing structures.

Optimize Asset Management: Accurate and current as-built drawings support effective asset management, aiding property assessments, insurance claims, and future planning.

Dispute Resolution Support: In disputes, as-built drawings serve as indisputable documentation, assisting in fair and equitable resolutions.

Contact BSS today for the highest quality as-built drawing services drawings available.

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